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En SD a repeater

, 1. you need to follow my keyword search to find my product.
2.give me your order number after purchase.
3.And give me a comment three days after the purchase arrives.
4.I see the comment. I will tell you the amount of your purchase through PayPal and the handling fee that your PayPal reflects.
5.If you agree with the following are the keywords of my product:
keywords: Wireless Access Point (It only has four comments now, please note
manufacturer is Awinli
Please don't look for the wrong product, thank u
, 1. you need to follow my keyword search to find my product.
2.give me your order number after purchase.
3.And give me a comment three days after the purchase arrives.
4.I see the comment. I will tell you the amount of your purchase through PayPal and the handling fee that your PayPal reflects.
5.If you agree with the following are the keywords of my product:
keywords: Wireless Access Point (It only has four comments now, please note
manufacturer is Awinli
Please don't look for the wrong product, thank u